Demystifying the Sponsorship Contract

Some of us may over-rely on lawyers and not seek to understand the basics of the sponsorship contract ourselves; others who don’t feel they have a budget for lawyers may bypass that expertise altogether. The ESA Breakfast Briefing ‘Demystifying the Sponsorship Contract’ told us why we all need to be aware of legal pitfalls in…

Sponsorship measurement shortlist at the UK Sponsorship Awards

We are delighted to be shortlisted for the UK Sponsorship Awards ‘Best Use of Research and Evaluation in a Sponsorship Campaign’ for our work with CircleBath on their sponsorship measurement of Bath Rugby Club.   We’re really proud of this piece of work which directly affected the decision to renew the sponsorship and informed the activation planning as…

Sponsorship Challenges for 2017

We are honoured to be on Optimy’s list of the 14 most influential sponsorship experts and to be asked to contribute to their article about “What are the 3 main upcoming challenges in sponsorship?”   You can read our response below and those of the 13 other sponsorship professionals on Optimy’s site.   What are…

Sponsorship Trends for 2017

We were asked by Sponsorship Space to contribute to their article examining what sponsorship trends we will see in 2017.   In the past, too many sponsorships have been based on ‘Chairman’s Whim’ or the ‘Highest Paid Person’s Opinion’ (HiPPO), with whoever leads sponsorship for the brand having to retrofit that to their marketing strategy.…